Christian Steiner
M.Sc. / Diploma-Engineer


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Christian Steiner Engineer Dipl.-Ing. Diplom Ingenieur Information Researcher research IT Marketing Mobile Phone Business Development Content Data Siemens BCG FH Aalen Munich Boston Mein muenchen Consulting Group DaimlerChrysler MTU Aero Engines GmbH Siemens Mobile Solutions Diploma Engineer Intelligence Technical Documentation Trainee Intern Freelancer Analysis Nerd CV Curriculum Vitae resume lebenslauf taetigkeit profession Antrieb Thailand SMS Market MMS GPRS 3G UMTS Human Resource e-business m-business Commerce Mechatronic Management Strategy distributed Collaborative Business Evaluation introduction application development complex products distributed environments value benefits technology communications consultant consultancy deconstruction practice area knowledge management market competitor international strategic plan thinker creative Conceptualisation Gramann Arndt supported online affiliate 2003 practice Rupp Thomas M. Supporting Distributed Engineering Aerospace Industry industrie unternehmen human resources personalabteilung kienbaum access mckinsey roland berger accenture mercer bain pleinfeld ingolstadt Web-based ICE2003 Conference Concurrent Enterprising anvisieren Studium Interessen Entwicklung Ideen Kunst Konsequent beruflichen Kenntnissen gute Handelsaktivitäten Allgemeinbildung Kreativität Berufsziel komplexe schöpferischen Persönlich ungenutzter Spaß Zeitdruck parallel Vorgänge koordinieren wahrnehmen sehr flexibel Durchhaltevermögen belastbar Supervisionsaufgaben Engagement hoher konzeptionell komplexe Zusammenhänge schnell erfassen Potentiale Ausprägungen gewünschte Hartnäckigkeit Widerständen Ergebnisse Gesamtkonzept Ziel Sinn Einzelheit konzentrieren Verwaltungs theoretisch-abstrakten wissenschaftlichen Konzepten Überlegungen Methoden Arbeits- und Leitungsaufgaben Handel Organisationplanen Marketingkonzepte entwickeln Strategien erdenken verantwortungsvolle Wissen Antrieb Vielzahl Studies: Mechatronics focused on Technical Documentation Final mark: top ten percent in class Languages: German: native language English: spoken and written good Thai: basics RELEVANT EXPERIENCE July 2003 – December 2003 Siemens Ltd. – Information and Communication Mobile Bangkok/Thailand ( ) Marketing and consulting for Mobile Data Applications (B2B) October 2002 - March 2003 DaimlerChrysler MTU Aero Engines, Munich/Germany ( Department "e-Business Management": Conceptualisation and strategic planning of the international engineering collaboration. Final thesis: Collaborative Business - Evaluation and introduction of an application for the collaborative development of complex products in distributed environments, with a view on the value of benefits. Koch – Consulting for Brands and Market Development, Stuttgart/Germany Marketing and market screening for Eastern Europe import opportunities on trade fairs in Frankfurt and Cologne. The Boston Consulting Group GmbH & Partner (, Munich/Germany Knowledge management and consulting, information research and analyses of markets, companies and products in the "technology & communications" and "e-commerce and deconstruction" practice area. Deutsche Angestellten Akademie (German Employment Academy) (, Aalen/Germany Teaching basic knowledge about the Web and Internet communication as a freelancer. Consulting Company Berlin/Germany Opinion poll, market- and competitor analyses for a nursing home project at Mallorca/Spain. DaimlerChrysler MTU Aero Engines, Munich/Germany ( Working student: marketing, business development and information research: Market analyses and strategic plan for a new electrical satellite propulsion system with a special focus on the international telecommunication market. DaimlerChrysler MTU Aero Engines, Munich/Germany ( Internship: Conceptualisation and implementation of a knowledge management system for the development department. Mentioned in the research study “Feldkamp F., Meyer-Gramann K. D., Arndt H.:’IT-supported knowledge-management in engineering’, year 2000, p. 52”, as best practice. CD-GmbH (customized business software), Aalen/Germany Usability testing and writing technical documentation for Lotus Notes Internet Solutions. February 1998 - December 2000 Freelancer Offline and online distribution of mobile communication products and telecommunication services, e.g. international call-back. December 2000 – June 2003 Affiliate Marketing Partner for different companies: Driving online sales mainly for products in the telecommunication and finance area. Freelancer, Pleinfeld/Germany Webdesign, different projects, e.g. Intec KG: Audi AG, ( Ingolstadt/Germany Working student: Quality Management due to ISO 9000, computer-based quality control of Anti Blocking Systems. PUPLISHED PAPERS 9th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising ( Espoo, Finland Rupp, Thomas M., Steiner, Christian: Supporting Distributed Engineering in the Aerospace Industry by Web-based Collaborative Applications. In: Pawar, K.S.; Weber, F.; Thoben, K.-D. (Eds): ICE2003 - 9th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Helsinki, June 2003. OTHER QUALIFICATION Certificate as a Work Safety Officer OTHER SKILLS IT-Applications Windows 2000/XP, MS Office, HTML, Frontpage, NetObjectsFusion, Adobe Photoshop, Pagemaker, Framemaker, Acrobat & Distiller JavaScript, Java, Turbo-Pascal, AutoCAD, ProEngineering Extracurricular activities & hobbies Cooking, analogue photography, travelling (e.g. Europe, Lao, Malaysia, Singapure, Tunisia, Turkey, Thailand, Cambodia). PLEASE CONTACT ME FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: PROFESSIONAL@CHRISTIANSTEINER.DE